Linda Z writes:
Another issue just came to mind about relationships and shared space. Suppose I am moving to a house where a deposit is needed and then the purchase closes at the end of July, and he has agreed to see that the funds get to the closing. I am willing to purchase it without actually seeing it but need the funds guaranteed in writing or in escrow. I can’t sign without the deposit made either. The realtor says someone else might snap it up if no action is taken quickly. There are other similar houses about 15 minutes from it but are about $20,000 more and one of them can close April 24. I could be happy in either place so his call on the pricing.
Would it be a good idea if he and i can live together elsewhere until the less expensive house we want closes? I know this question has two parts to it. We are both over 70 and want this to work. Thanks for advice!
Dr. Chalmer answers:
Well, I can’t comment on the wisdom of waiting for the less expensive house–that would be a question for a real estate expert, or maybe a lawyer.
Re: living together in the meantime, you’re both over 70, so do what makes sense to you.
1 thought on “Should We Move In Together?”
For sure on both!