Judy and I were interviewed on the podcast “Head Over Heels Show,” hosted by Roger Guertin and Nina Kako. We’ll be interviewing them on our podcast in a couple of weeks. Check out our interview!
Here’s what Nina and Roger said in their episode notes:
They talk relationships & marriage, which is one thing that is evident when speaking to them. That they do extremely well. Their dynamic as a couple speaks for itself. Its refreshing to know we have a therapist and educator who clearly PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH!
Today's show we have a great conversation discussing what they mean by "Its Not About Communication" and their podcast "Couples Therapy In Seven Words" on which Roger & Nina will be featured on an upcoming episode. So be sure to stay tuned for that one. It should be fun.
We hope you learn a lot from Dr. Bruce Chalmer and Judy Alexander and their book.